Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Sexual Harassment at the Workplace

Skaine (1996) defines sexual harassment as â€Å"unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature†¦when submission or rejection of this conduct explicitly affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment † (p. 11). The two types of sexual harassment identified by the law are quid pro quo and hostile environment. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Sexual Harassment at the Workplace specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Quid pro quo refers to a condition where an employee is forced to provide sexual favors to an individual at a higher job rank in exchange of benefits at the workplace. On the other hand, hostile environment refers to a state where employees are harassed by offensive sexual behavior or any other act or state that intimidates a person sexually at the workplace (Geffner Braverman, 2005). Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects employees against discrimination of any nature at the workplace. The Act protects employees from discrimination by their employees either in terms of gender, ethnicity, racial background, religion or any other form (Repa, 2010). The scenario being experienced at the workplace provides that members of staff are offended by the personal photos and calendars hung in the back of the kitchen that are sexual in nature. Some of these items have been given to the staff from suppliers. The objects hung do not belong to just one individual and are making the other staff members uncomfortable. The other staff members asked for the items to be taken down and have even taken them down themselves, but that has caused more items to be hung up in their place. From this scenario it is evident that the employees are offended by the pictures and this is a case of a hostile work environment. The rights of the employees have been violated yet they have the right to be protected from sexual harassment. In this scenario, sexual harassment is experienced by the employees and the kitchen manager should take action to protect the rights of the employees. As the kitchen manager I would ensure that all the complaints are dealt with immediately and appropriately. All pictures identified to cause sexual harassment should be removed and no more pictures of a similar kind should be displayed in future. It is good to discuss the issue with the employees and assure them that it is regrettable that such an offensive act has been happening and that a similar occurrence would not be experienced in future. A comfortable work environment is a right to all employees and it would be my duty to ensure that all employees are comfortable at the workplace. Moreover, injunction should be placed against suppliers providing materials which are offensive. To add on that, personal pho tos bearing offensive photos should be banned at the workplace.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is therefore conclusive that employees have a right to be protected against sexual harassment. Sexual harassment consists of all environmental conditions at the workplace which are sexual in nature and are offensive. It is the responsibility of the management of the organization to ensure that all the employees are comfortable at the workplace. To avoid a similar occurrence in future, employees of the organization should have the freedom to express their grievances and to discuss matters that may affect them at the workplace. References Geffner, R. and Braverman, M. (2005). Aggression in organizations: violence, abuse, and harassment at work and in schools. Routledge. ISBN 0789028425, 9780789028426 Repa, B. K. (2010). Your Rights in the Workplace. Nolo. ISBN 1413312101, 978141 3312102. Skaine, R. (1996). Power and gender: issues in sexual dominance and harassment. McFarland. ISBN 0786402083, 9780786402083. This essay on Sexual Harassment at the Workplace was written and submitted by user Kasen Flynn to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

School Psychology Apps And Worksheets

School Psychology Apps And WorksheetsIn college, many students and their parents will be looking for the best school psychology apps and worksheets so that they can ensure that they have what they need to ensure that they are doing well in their courses. This is why it is so important to make sure that you are getting the best use of your money and time. When you are in the middle of choosing the best school psychology apps and worksheets, it is always a good idea to get some psychology appic essays samples to ensure that you are getting exactly what you need.It is not easy to know exactly what you need when you are looking for school psychology apps and worksheets. There are so many different options out there, and each one of them is so different from the other. This means that you will be choosing between many different schools of thought when you are looking for a particular app. It may seem like a hassle, but in the end, it is going to be worth it because you will be getting exa ctly what you need.School psychology apps are available in many different forms and formats. They can be used in lecture, which is a form of study where the students will be presented with facts or examples of current events, and then they will have to compare and figure out how things fit together. These apps and worksheets will then be used as examples during lectures so that they can be learned and understood more quickly.Another form of school psychology apps are workbooks, which will outline different types of information that is important for every student to have. The worksheets will then be made up of examples, which will be taken directly from the lessons that they are taking, so that they can understand exactly what is being taught. By having a workbook like this, it is much easier for the students to go over a large number of topics at a time, rather than having to get lost in the confusion of too many different lessons.The type of apps that students will most likely need to include worksheets that outline math and science concepts. These are very useful for any students, because they will use these tools throughout the rest of their college careers. These are also great tools for teachers, who will be able to use these as an example of how their students should be utilizing the concepts that they are teaching. This is why it is important to get an app that has plenty of science and math examples on it, so that students will be able to use these as they read about the lessons.In addition to using psychology appic essays to get help with their college education, students will also be able to use this in many other ways. They will be able to use these throughout college, as they will find that the different topics are going to come up frequently throughout their coursework. Most students will have certain areas of their coursework that they want to cover more often, so that they will be able to understand these more easily.There are lots of books that are available, and they usually come with free study guides, which will be very helpful for anyone. You will be able to get more information on these if you are able to take advantage of them. Also, these books will give the students a better chance to look over the different methods that are available, so that they can be able to determine which ones are going to be best for them.When you are looking for school psychology apps and worksheets, you will be able to get a much better understanding of the different techniques that are available, so that you can choose the ones that will be best for you. While it may be tempting to get all of the programs that are available, you will be able to determine which ones are best by looking at what the student has learned from the worksheets that they have read. They will also be able to use this information to apply to real life situations, which will make it easier for them to deal with real life situations.