Monday, September 30, 2019

Processed Foods and Its Link to the Increasing Obesity Epidemic

Processed Foods and its Link to the Increasing Obesity Epidemic Savannah Eisert English 214-54 Melanie Wise 15 April 2013 Eisert 1 Processed Foods and its Link to the Increasing Obesity Epidemic Lunchables, Twinkies, potato chips, chocolate chip cookies, or even a trip to McDonald’s after school are just few of the memorable foods as a child that always seemed so exciting and delicious. As a child, I wondered why these scrumptious foods were always just a treat, but never an every day meal on my diet that I could enjoy. But what I did not know was the dirty truth behind these foods: what they are really made out of.Behind food corporation doors lies the truth about processed foods, what they are really made out of, and why these corporations keep producing these foods. Through the years, scientists have found different ways to transform this corn so it becomes more useful and cheaper to produce. As the corporations became more and more money hungry, the less they cared about t he health of Americans and more about how much processed foods they could sell. Ultimately, this leads to the most increasing health issue America has been facing over the years, and to this day: obesity.According to HBO’s â€Å"The Weight of the Nation: Confronting America’s Obesity Epidemic,† over one-third of American adults (roughly about 36%) are obese, and about 12. 5 million children and adolescents (ages 2-19), or 17%, are obese. Over the years, as processed food production increased, so did obesity because of money hungry food corporations increasing this productivity and government doing nothing to help stop the unhealthy lifestyles processed food has created. Background Information on Processed Food Before figuring out why processed foods are a main factor to obesity, one must know what processed foods are and why they are bad.So what exactly are processed foods made out of? Michael Pollan goes into deep research about what these processed foods are m ade out of within his nonfiction book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma. According to Michael Pollan, an average American consumes about one ton of corn per year, but not before being heavily processed by a processing plant, and then reassembled as soft drinks, breakfast cereals, or snacks (85). As Eisert 2 science progressively grew, so did the certain ingredients within processed foods. For example, high-fructose corn syrup is used in a majority of foods because it tastes exactly as sweet as sucrose.Pollan’s research states that high-fructose corn syrup today â€Å"is the most valuable food product refined from corn, accounting for 530 million bushels every year† (89). Because high-fructose corn syrup is easy to use and cheap to get, most food corporations use it to create the perfect masterpiece. For example, Pollan talks about how that the third age of processed foods â€Å"push[es] aside butter to make shelf space for margarine, replace fruit juice with juice drinks and then entirely juice-free drinks like Tang, cheese with Cheez Whiz, and whipped cream with Cool Whip† (91).With the help of high-fructose corn syrup, food alternatives can easily be made for the same satisfaction. Because of these processed foods, obesity begins to increase. But how exactly does processed food cause obesity? Michael Pollan investigates the truth behind food science and it’s ways to get people to eat more. Pollan states, â€Å"The power of food science lies in its ability to break foods down into their nutrient parts and then reassemble them in specific ways that, in effect, push our evolutionary buttons, fooling the omnivore’s inherited food selection system† (107).Since an average adult can eat only about fifteen hundred pounds of food a year, food corporations are trying to find ways to â€Å"get people to spend more money for the same three-quarters of tof a ton of food, or entice them to actually eat more than that† (Pollan 95). So if a person eats more than normal, his or her weight will increase as they are intaking more of these processed foods that entices people to eat more. But what specifically triggers a person’s body to eat more than they naturally should?Food systems in a person can â€Å"cheat by exaggerating their energy density, tricking a sensory apparatus that evolved to deal with markedly less dense whole foods† (Pollan 107). So by increasing this energy density in processed foods, obesity problems seen within America continue to rise. Eisert 3 The Increase in Processed Food and Obesity Over the Years The beginning of processed food did not recently happen, but has been around since the mid-1800’s. In Michael Pollan’s Omnivore’s Dilemma, he explains the journey of how corn developed to what it is today. In 1866, â€Å"corn syrup . . . ecame the first cheap domestic substitute for cane sugar† (Pollan 88). Then as corn refining started to be perfe cted, high-fructose corn syrup became quite popular. Pollan states that high-fructose corn syrup â€Å"is the most valuable food product refined from corn, accounting for 530 million bushels every year† (89). Once these different food processes were discovered, processed foods began making their way into the country. At first, the point of having processed food was to free â€Å"people from nature’s cycles of abundance and scarcity,† so to have food preserved longer (Pollan 91).But as time went on, the goal changed from â€Å"liberating food from nature† (Pollan 91) to â€Å"improve[ing] on nature† (Pollan 91). Since processed foods began to be so easy to make with the help of high-fructose corn syrup, the cost to make it was relatively cheap compared to the natural farmers. Pollans statistics show that â€Å"a dollar spent on a whole food such as eggs, $0. 40 finds its way back to the farmer . . . by comparison, George Naylor will see only $0. 04 of every dollar spent on corn sweeteners† (95). So ultimately, the increase in processed foods have to do with its easy and cheap ingredients.Based on Michael Pollan’s studies, he found out that many of the reasons why obesity has increased so much is due to the increased use of high-fructose corn syrup in the foods people eat. Pollan begins by saying that â€Å"corn accounts for most of the surplus calories we’re growing and most of the surplus calories we’re eating† (103). With today’s advanced technology, the country has gone from being able to process corn into two different things, to now creating over hundreds of things with the help of a processor and corn.Pollan’s statistics show that â€Å"since 1985, an American’s annual consumption of high-fructose corn syrup has gone from Eisert 4 forty-five pounds to sixty-six pounds† (104). On top of the high-fructose corn syrup people intake, the other sugars also must be accounted for. Therefore, this excessive amount of sugars in processed food is the main cause to the increase of obesity in America. Who is to Blame? Behind all the corn, the processing, and the food that results, is the man in charge: food corporations. Because of food corporations greed for money, processed foods have escalated out of control, causing a serious health epidemic: obesity.Michael Pollan, also author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma, wrote an article for the New York Times called â€Å"Unhappy Meals. † Pollan makes a very convincing point at the beginning of the article that gives a serious blame to the people who created and have been continuing the making of processed foods: These novel products of food science often come in packages festooned with health claims, which brings me to a related rule of thumb: if you’re concerned about your health, you should probably avoid food products that make health claims. Why?Because a health claim on a food product is a good indication that it’s not really food, and food is what you want to eat (1). His claim is very much true because these food corporations try to trick the customers into thinking food products are okay to eat, when in reality, they are terrible for a person’s health in the long run. Food corporations have come to a point where they are more interested in how well their company is doing rather than the country’s health. So ultimately, the rise in obesity is because of these food productions little interest to care about the health of the country.In Michael Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma, he proves that food corporations are only interested in the money rather than the well-being of the country. He says that a â€Å"cheaper agricultural commodities [are] driving food companies to figure out new and ever more elaborate ways to add value and so induce us to buy more† (Pollan 96). So if these companies are driven by the Eisert 5 cheap f ood productions, they will make sure sales to the people of the country increase, therefore increasing the obesity epidemic. Why blame these food corporations for the obesity epidemic?Aren’t they just trying to help the economy by selling the food they produce? Yes, this is very true, but that does not mean these corporations have the right to sell the country unhealthy, life threatening foods. According to Michael Pollan’s research in The Omnivore’s Dilemma, American’s high-fructose corn syrup intake has gone up from forty-five pounds to sixty-six pounds (104). Basically, Pollan states that Americans are â€Å"eating and drinking all that high-fructose corn syrup on top of the sugars we were already consuming† (104).Just because big corporations, like Coca-Cola and Pepsi figured out high-fructose corn syrup was a few cents cheaper than sugar, they completely switched from sugar to high-fructose corn syrup because â€Å"consumers didn’t see m to notice the substitution† (104). Pollan’s research shows that soda is most of the sixty-six pounds of high-fructose corn syrup that American consume, and by using the ingredient that causes obesity into one of the most popular drink is just cruel because food corporations target that area of consumption.So it is quite obvious the corporations do not care about the rise in obesity because they keep using high-fructose corn syrup in most of the foods consumed by Americans. In another study, George A Bray from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition makes interesting connections in his article â€Å"Consumption of High-Fructose Corn Syrup in Beverages May Play a Role in the Epidemic of Obesity† between the rise in obesity and the rising intake of high-fructose corn syrup in America.His studies show that â€Å"the consumption of HFCS increased > 1000% between 1970 and 1990, far exceeding the changes in intake of any other food or food group† (Bray 537). With the rise in consumption of high-fructose corn syrup, the increase of obesity in America connects with these statistics. Bray also concludes that Eisert 6 â€Å"collective data suggest[s] that overconsumption of beverages sweetened with HFCS, [or high-fructose corn syrup,] and containing > 50% free fructose and the increased intake of total fructose may play a role in the epidemic of obesity† (542).Bray’s statistics support Pollan’s beverage assumptions because it goes to show that food corporations are willing to increase high-fructose corn syrup even if the epidemic of obesity increases with its increase in production. Resolution As more people become aware of the obesity epidemic in America, they wish to change their lifestyles in order to be healthy again. Even though these people know what is going on, they still do not change their lifestyles. But they have good reasons, according to Michael Pollan’s reasonings in The Omnivore’s Dilemma. Pollan explains how the food corporations have â€Å"push[ed] our evolutionary buttons, fooling the omnivore’s inherited food selection system â€Å" (107). Even though humans are not meant to eat these foods, the sensory apparatus in within humans have evolved to always crave these processed foods. It has even gotten to a point where â€Å"people with limited money to spend on food would spend it on the cheapest calories they can find† (Pollan 108). These are perfect examples to why the processed food lifestyle continues, and why the epidemic of obesity continues to increase. So the real question is how does America resolve the epidemic of obesity?Yes, food corporations are to blame, but they will keep producing processed foods to help their economic success. So as a country, alternatives and powerful influences must be introduced in order to decrease obesity. Michael Pollan’s article â€Å"Unhappy Meals† in The New York Times, has lots of certain advi ce to steer away from the tricks of processed foods and have America move into a healthier lifestyle. He suggests that processed foods imply they are based around important nutrients to help support human health, when in reality it gives the opposite effects to the body.Eisert 7 Pollan does in fact state that the healthy lifestyle is â€Å"harder to do in practice, given the food environment we now inhabit and the loss of sharp cultural tools to guide us through it† (11), but he gives readers simple ways to start a healthy lifestyle. Some of the most simple advice includes â€Å"eat[ing] according to the rules of a traditional food culture† (Pollan 12). By eating natural foods that are locally grown and produced, one will know how it is being made and by whom, so there are no mysteries or health questions within these foods.Lastly, â€Å"avoid food products containing ingredients that are a) unfamiliar, b) unpronounceable c) more than five in number — or that c ontain high-fructose corn syrup† (Pollan 11). Just by following these two simple steps, a person can make their health that much better by doing the little things to help themselves. Yes, there are other alternatives, but they become confusing and technical. If a person is simply aware of what is being put into their body, then a healthy lifestyle can be achieved. Even though people are personally trying to become healthier, what about the people that are not?They need influential and powerful support in order to avoid the obesity epidemic. The government would be the perfect influence to helping change the obesity epidemic. But in Michael Pollan’s book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, the government does little to help even though they are aware of the issue: While the surgeon general is raising alarms over the epidemic of obesity, the president is signing farm bills designed to keep the river of cheap corn flowing, guaranteeing that the cheapest calories in the superma rket will continue to be the unhealthiest (108).So if the government won’t even help, who will? That is where the people come in. Becoming aware of the problem and knowing what a person is putting into their bodies will be the only way to end the increase in the production of processed food, and to furthermore decrease obesity. In conclusion, as processed food production increased, so did obesity because of money hungry food corporations increasing this productivity and government doing nothing to Eisert 8 help stop the unhealthy lifestyles processed food has created.Through the statistics found in the research it shows how the increases simultaneously occurred at the same time, therefore processed food is a major factor to an increase in obesity. Work Cited Bray , George A, Samara Joy Nielsen, and Barry M Popkin. â€Å"Consumption of high-fructose corn syrup in beverages may play a role in the epidemic of obesity. † 2004 American Society for Clinical Nutrition. 79. 4 (2003): 537-543. Web. 11 Mar. 2013.. Ebbeling, Cara, Dorota B Pawlak, and David S Ludwig. â€Å"Childhood obesity: public-health crisis, common sense cure. † Lancet. 360. 331 (2002): 473–482. Web. 11 Mar. 2013. . Pollan, Michael. Omnivore's Dilemma. New York City: A Penguin Book, 2006. Print. Pollan, Michael. â€Å"Unhappy Meal. † New York Times. 28 01 2007: 1-12. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. . Research Paper Feedback In reading your research paper, I have considered the following features of the document. Any areas that need work are highlighted oIntroduction – grabs the readers’ attention; introduces the topic; contains a clear, strong thesis oContent – covers the topic fully; supports assertions with information from reliable sources; includes a reference page Organization – is logically organized; ideas are grouped and sequenced to aide the readers’ understanding oParagraph Development— ¶s contain specific examples/evidence (in the form of quotes and paraphrases) and explanations oTopic Sentences—introduce the subject of each paragraph; create idea bridges that link  ¶s to each other and/or thesis oTransitions—logical connections between ideas are clear & smooth oSentence Fluency—sentences are fluent and varied in construction and length (not choppy); quotes are smoothly incorporated oMLA Format—sources are cited; both inline citations and reference page citations conform to MLA style Proofreading—free of usage, punctuation, and grammatical errors. Here are the grades and what they mean: oAn â€Å"A† paper excels in all the areas listed above. The paper covers the topic fully and answers the readers’ questions. The paper uses evidence from multiple, credible sources to back up claims. Sources are cited according to MLA style guidelines. The writing is clearly organized, excellently developed, fluent, and nearly error free. oA â€Å"B† paper does a good job in all the areas above. The paper offers a thoughtful, complete response to the prompt. It is clearly organized and well developed.The sentences are consistently readable and fluent with few usage errors. Areas that need work are highlighted above. oA â€Å"C† paper is a competent response to the prompt, but may have weaknesses in one or more of the areas listed above. The weaknesses interfere with the successful communication of the writer’s ideas. Areas that need work are highlighted above. oA paper earns an â€Å"NP† if it does not answer the prompt and/or is seriously weak in one or more of the areas listed above. The paper’s weaknesses make it very difficult to read and/or understand. Areas that need work are highlighted above. Comments and Grade:

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Negative Aspects of Reality Shows

In recent years we have seen how the reality shows have Increasingly Invaded our screens, and there is something that captivates people to the point that change their way of life and are carried away by this â€Å"fever†. Most of the people who watch this kind of shows believe that all what they see is real so they begin to feel identify with them. The audience imitates they behaviors and most of the time it Is negative.They turn violent, Irritable and susceptible to reactions. A big percentage of people who watches this believe that their way of being is normal, but it is not like that. There are certain manners or behaviors that we are used to watch, but it doesn't mean it is normal at the point that we accept it as a way of life. What is true about this is that producers control everything and can alter or distort the actions of the actors. The actors are aware of this because when they sign their contract It Is specified over there.So, can we believe In everything we see? A key for success of these shows is the humiliation of the â€Å"actors†. Like American Idol or many others, because the jury criticizes them In a derogative way so the contestants leave the stage but being teased. The audience assimilates this as a normal process so if they don't have skills they begin to feel shame of it or scared to people who can watch them doing things. Another negative thing is that they can think that humiliation is a necessary step to succeed, thing that is not true.We hooked not allow ourselves to be influenced by these shows and that Is why there are recommendations while watching them, such as: It Is not recommended for children and young people, therefore they can understand and analyze the background and have a very strong personality. All in all we must be alert and aware to see a reality show, because this can lead to unexpected and negative changes. The best one can do is to turn this experience into something good and know how to select those programs that teach us and help us develop.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

MBA Interactive Project Essay

Introduction Continuing the work and analysis begun in the first three SLPs, we again project ourselves back in time to the year 2012. I am in responsible for decisions on product development and pricing for the next four years for our line of tablets. I will show the score, financials and market data at the end of the four year period from my previous time discussions. Finally we can make a detailed discussion and analysis of the data using CVP analysis, and will explain why I recommend specific pricing and research and development (R&D) costs for the next four year period. Discussion The Clipboard Tablet Company is currently making three different tablet models; the X5, X6 and X7. The X5 has been on the market for three years already and market research has determined that consumers are not very worried about performance for this older tablet. The middle tablet, the X6, has been on the market for two years and market research shows consumers are concerned about performance but not necessarily price. The final tablet, the X7, is the newest and has only been on the market for one year, and market research shows the consumer is interested in both performance and price. With this in mind, we can analyze how the products evolved when Mr. Shmoe was in charge. The following table depicts the price and R&D percentage for each tablet over the preceding four years (since the last run) and whether or not the particular tablet production was discontinued or not. The graphs also depict the revenue generated and profit from the different tablets over the time period I was in charge of making the decisions instead of Mr. Shmoe. Review Overall the results of the third run of the tablet simulation had an end result which was approximately $142 million greater than the previous run, which was accomplished using CVP analysis. This change was due to two reasons. The first was the increased sales and revenue generated by the X6 tablet, ultimately reaching market saturation. The second reason was due to the dramatically increased sales of the X7. As the graphs display, the X6 accelerated greatly in terms of revenue and profit through 2013 and then began a steady and definite decline once reaching market saturation. Revenue and profit for the X7 were drastically different as compared to previous simulations, beginning to increase in 2014 and 2015,and setting the stage for sustained revenue and profits in the future time period. The X5 was relatively unchanged from previous simulations since I left the pricing alone due to the tablet having been on the market for several years already. Data Discussion It will also help to discuss in more detail what happened in the third simulation under my supervision while using the CVP model. For the X5, initial R&D allocation of the $24 million available was only 5%, or $1.2 million, plus the $75 million in other fixed costs gave a total fixed cost of $76.2 million. The variable cost per unit for the X5 amounts to $150, and using a price of $300 per tablet, the breakeven point for the X5 is 508,000 units sold. A price of $300 per tablet yielded a profit of $119 million. Fixed costs for the X5 are extremely high and with the age of the X,5 little R&D dollars were allocated in order to keep the total fixed costs down. Next up, the X6’s fixed costs were $48.3 million including the R&D costs, while the variable cost of the X6 came out to $275 per tablet. The breakeven volume for the X6 priced at $375 per tablet comes out to 375,000 tablets. The idea here was to achieve market saturation as quickly as possible and reap the associated profit. Based on the life cycle of the X6, the price was increased by only five dollars per year and associated R&D expenses were reduced only 5% in the latter years. Finally, the X7 has the exact same fixed cost as the X6 with the only difference being the dollars allocated for the R&D, which for the second run of the simulation was $49.5 million. However, the variable costs for the X7 are extremely low at only $55 per tablet. The breakeven volume for the X7 at $120 per tablet comes out to just under 577,000 tablets. The strategy here was to have a much lower initial price in an attempt to capture market share and volume upfront which would ultimately reap large profits after the breakeven point. Formulating a revised strategy Considering all of this information, the revised strategy will be somewhat similar from the previous one in regards to the overall conceptual plan. My previous strategy focused on CVP analysis, while the newer revised strategy for the tablet simulation will attempt to tweak and optimize this strategy further. Due to the lower breakeven prices of each of the tablets, volume for each one can be increased immediately by a reduction in price. Therefore we will attempt this for the X6 and X7 tablets. CVP does not account for product lifecycle, however, which is why my strategy is to more or less leave the pricing the same for the X5 as the previous run. R&D for the X5 will never increase above 1% since the consumers don’t care for this feature, while R&D will be the highest for the X7, which is marketed as the primary benefit of this higher-performance tablet. Prices for the X6 and X7 will increase by $10/year while maintaining roughly a 40-60 R&D split respectively, with the beginning price of the X7 starting $10 lower. This strategy should show higher profits after four years by keeping prices closer to their breakeven CVP pricing and varying slightly the R&D costs based on changing market saturation. To sum up the strategy, it is to more or less leave the X5 and X6 fairly constant from my previous simulation but attempt to increase overall sales in the X7 market, thus creating more revenue and profit. The following table depicts the results of the updated strategy for the next four years. As you can see we left the initial pricing for the X6 the same, starting out with a price of $375. Conclusion In conclusion, we generated a revised strategy for the Clipboard Tablet Company based on a revised and optimized CVP analysis. By adjusting the pricing for the X7 slightly downward in order to increase sales and revenue/profit, we maximize the outcome. The goal is to continue reap the profits out of the X5, get maximum revenue off of the X6 by achieving market saturation and to dramatically increase sales of the X7 which is the future for our company. I look forward to putting this into practice. References, 2012. â€Å"Introduction.† PDA Simulator. Retrieved 09 Jan 2013 from: Manoski, Paula, 2002. â€Å"The R&D strategy/strategic process Part 1: a road map to R&D effectiveness.†, Retrieved 09 Jan 2013from:, 2010. â€Å"Product Lifecycle.† Retrieved 13Jan 2013 from:

Friday, September 27, 2019

Types of War and Terrorism and the Root Causes of War and Terrorism Essay

Types of War and Terrorism and the Root Causes of War and Terrorism - Essay Example The researcher states that the last two and a half decades have witnessed a tremendous growth in statistical research conducted in war. However, the significance and meaning of war are still not clear due to certain inconsistencies in the research. The world has witnessed major conflicts and on they can be classified based on the reasons for conducting war. State building wars are those conducted in a bid to expand the territories and examples are the creation of Italy and Germany. Imperial wars are those wherein war wedged against the weaker countries by stronger nations Wars by major power; but limited in numbers like Franco-Prussian war and Crimean war. Terrorism is a new form of war and research has emphasised on problems related to practical deterrence or normative meaning. Terrorism is further grouped into three classes. These are: When the terror is in the centre: this kind of terrorism is found when a particular state or nation witnesses collective violence resulting in the severe crisis. In other words, there is infighting between various groups in a particular state or nation. Struggle against oppression: The emergence of terrorist groups in the borders and semi borders of local governments and their consequent attacks are known as the struggle against oppression. Transnational terrorism: This kind of terrorism develops in a particular region of the world but these groups divide labour in order to conduct terrorist attacks in major outposts worldwide, important people, governmental or civilian areas or destruction of architectures worldwide.   The 9/11 terrorist attack in the United States of America is a perfect example of this type of terrorism (Lizardo & Bergesen, n.d.) The U.S. government’s entire strategy towards disaster capitalism has been revamped in the year 2004 – 2005 and the American policies have witnessed major revision to witness incorporation of disaster capitalism as an important element. Previously, after a war was waged on a particular nation, ad hoc strategies were made in accordance with the situation prevalent at that time. Nowadays, the U.S. government, has made a watch list and keeps an eye at all times of high risk nations in coordination with the National Intelligence Council. This is done in order to plan before a war and deploy personnel at a moment’s notice after a clash has broken out. The post terrorism attacks of 9/11 saw a revision in strategies by U.S.A. and three military operations have been initiated. a) Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) – This was launched mainly in Afghanistan and other small countries like Philippines and Djibouti in order to counter the immediate terrorist infiltrations which began post 9/11 and exists even now. b) Operation Noble One (ONE) – Security was tightened in home and military bases in the United States of America. c) Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) – This was commenced with the U.S.A. – Iraq war conducted in March 2003. This was renamed as Operation New Dawn and U.S. military now acts as a helper and advisor in Iraq (Belasco, 2011). It has been alleged that the crisis followed by the aftermath of a severe earthquake is being used as an opportune moment to gain profits by the International Monetary Fund, U.S. Corporations, Washington and private army. They have made unpopular neoliberal policies in order to gain economic and military control over this nation. The U.S. is deploying scores of armed troops and has managed to take control of the Haiti capital airport. In fact prominence is given to U.S. international flights over other airlines at this airport. In fact, this nation is trying to rule this nation undercover and is giving the name of sending and deploying aids to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Employment Law Compliance Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Employment Law Compliance Plan - Essay Example Additionally, Stonefield stated that he intends to have at least 25 employees during the first year of business operations. Therefore, this memorandum seeks to identify the most relevant employment laws that Stonefield must be concerned about when creating a compliance plan. The first and most critical employment law that Stonefield must be aware as he seeks to start a limousine business in Austin, Texas is the Texas Payday Law. This is because noncompliance with this law can attract a heavy penalty on the part of Stonefield as an employer. The law provides protection to employees who have not been paid all the salaries due to them. The Texas Payday Law is applicable to all businesses that are conducted in Texas with the exception of public employers. According to this law, any employee who feels that his or her employer has not paid all his earned wages in full can bring a complaint against the employer with the Texas Workforce Commission within 180 days after the date that the wages not yet paid became in arrears for payment. The commission will then takes up the matter and investigate it. As such, in the event that the Commission rules in favor of a worker, the employer can be required to pay up to $1,000 in damages for noncompliance with the Texas P ayday Law (Attorney General of Texas, 2013). Similarly, in the case that the Commission finds that the employee acted in bad faith, then the employee who filed the complained may also be required to pay the same amount as damages. Additionally, the Texas Payday Law also spell out how employers are supposed to compensate employees, which can either be monthly on weekly depending on the method that an employer deems appropriate. According to the Texas Payday Law, it is not a requirement that an employer pay a worker for lunches, vacation, and breaks. Nevertheless, all employers regardless of the size of the business are required by the law to compensate their employees for attending

Medicare Value Based Purchasing Program Research Paper

Medicare Value Based Purchasing Program - Research Paper Example The implementation of separate value based purchasing programs for each of the different Medicare providers requires more than just trumpeting the program. The program has different payment levels and efficiency measuring strategies for hospitals, physicians and other practitioners, home health agencies, ESRD providers and facilities, and skilled nursing facilities. (Reichard 2009). The Policy: The Medicare Value based purchasing programs have been formulated in an effort to facilitate the transformation of the Medicare system from a passive payer of claims to an active purchaser of care. The operational infrastructure of RHQDAPU as established by the CMS has been used as a base for the development of Medicare Value based purchasing programs which includes the following provisions: i. As specified by the President’s FY2006 and FY2007 budgets, the value based purchasing programs are budget neutral and are formulated in accordance with the policy recommendations of Institute of Medicine (IOM) and Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC). ii. The existing Medicare performance measurements and reporting infrastructure together with RHQDAPU components have been used as a foundation for the structure of Value Based Purchasing Programs. iii. ... In accordance with the provisions of Patient Protection and Affordable Car Act of 2010, the data collected in the initial year would be utilized in informing the concerned medical individuals about their incentive payments. v. The implementation and coordination of VBP program would be undertaken by CMS, which will also monitor the effectiveness of the program through consensus processes such as Hospital Quality Alliance (HQA), National Quality Forum (NQF), and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). vi. The reporting requirements specified in Division B, Title 1, Section 109 of Tax Relief and Healthcare Act will be utilized by VBP programs for the measurement of performance and the calculation of incentive payments. vii. The VBP programs will undertake the responsibility of eliminating existing disparities in the health care system. The enforcement of the Value based purchasing programs would not be undertaken without the consent of the concerned m edical personnel. viii. A withholding up to 2% of total payments pertaining to specific Medicare providers would be utilized in the evaluation of the incentive pool. All funds collected under the value based purchasing programs will be offered as incentive payments to the eligible participants will not be changed over time. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2007). Models of VPB Programs: The value based purchasing programs are composed of three models which are listed as follows: Model 1: Single Large Purchaser: This involves a large active Medicare supplier which is working collaboratively with other suppliers. If reward incentives are targeted at these individuals then inevitably the overall performance of the health care system as a whole will

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Us history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Us history - Essay Example Harry Truman’s strategy ensured these ally countries were going to be unbeatable since they were better economies than that of USSR, eliminating its threat of being a superpower. This was the same idea that was used to win the cold war. The fight against rampant poverty that was in America then was the war Lyndon Johnson fought. The poverty that was in America was invisible; Lyndon Johnson used political rallies to express the fact that things had gone out of control, and, therefore, Americans should put its vision on helping people who are suffering, to help them, to give them education, opportunity, to give them the chance of coming into the mainstream of America’s middle class economic life. Everybody was meant to be a winner, from the poor to the rich. America grew less optimistic about the future of the society in the 1970s due to the increased inequality that was witnessed in the society decades after the end of the Second World War. This was seen in the absence of an increase in income since 1967, and people expected nothing since they had no increase in their income for the past ten years. Therefore, it created negative long-term expectations in relation to both family and individual lives and about the future of the United States and its economic perspective. The goals and tactics of the female were to ensure the women had equal rights with men. The main goal of the feminist movement was to eliminate discrimination against women and increase a woman’s part in the building of the nation. With the establishment of feminist movements, there was and has been a noticeable success; for instance, women were able to do jobs men did. They received equal salaries with men; women were involved in politics among other successful things involving women. Vietnam War made the American people lose trust in the president and the government because the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Healthcare ecosystems influences Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Healthcare ecosystems influences - Research Paper Example In addition, the $5 billion system has managed to unite scientists and physicians of this renowned hospital with various health facilities and professionals. As such, the quality of services provided by the institution has improved, and patients can be assured of prompt and up-to-date service delivery. Ideally, the success and growth of the hospital is embedded on the development of School of Medicine. Although competition has been felt across the medical sector, John Hopkins has always performed immensely due to the frequent research on the current trend of medical operations. John Hopkins Hospital mission statement provides a pictorial presentation of the activities undertaken by the organization. The mission of the organization is to improve the health of individuals in the society and to set the required standards that the world can emulate. As such, the success has been felt in clinical care, research, and education. Although this success has not been effectively achieved, the management is undertaking strategies that will enhance the attainment of its mission. Some of the strategies include educating medical students on the current trends in the medical field, providing medical seminars to health care professionals and scientists, conducting research on biomedical, and providing patient-centered medicine that prevents, diagnoses, and treats various ailments (Kushniruk, 2008). Indeed, the report provided by World Health Organization (WHO) highlighted the superiority of John Hopkins Hospital in disseminating its services in the community. The hospitalà ¢â‚¬â„¢s vision is to provide an inclusive and diverse environment that enhances intellectual creativity, discover, and transmission of innovative knowledge in the world. In improving the health of individuals, though adequate medical services and practitioners, John Hopkins Hospital thrives to achieve its vision. Medical leadership has been

Monday, September 23, 2019

Reflective Cycle by Gibbs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Reflective Cycle by Gibbs - Essay Example Scott and Ely (2008) suggest that the purpose of reflection in nursing practice is to develop awareness of how and what can be learned from new experiences. One of the models of reflection will provide the framework for this essay. There are several models of reflection but the reflective model I have chosen is Gibbs Reflective Cycle (Gibbs 1988), with which I am familiar and I find it to be the most clear and concise than the other choices. The Gibbs Reflective Cycle (Gibbs 1988) will be applied throughout the essay to facilitate analytic thought and to assist in evaluating and relating theory to practice where possible. I have chosen to reflect on violence and aggression towards nurses in relation to patients with mental health and alcohol dependence issues. I will attempt to explore the elements that trigger violence and aggression. Besides, I will also dwell on the strategies that nurses may adopt in response to violence and aggression. This reflection will also include literature search and its detailed discussion. According to Jasper (2003), the Gibbs Reflective Cycle consists of the following stages: description, feelings, evaluat ion, analysis, conclusion and an action plan (Gibbs 1988). Therefore, I will begin with the first stage of Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle which necessitates a description of events. A pseudonym will be used to maintain anonymity and confidentiality as laid out by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (2010) in their standards of conduct for nursing students. The event occurred whilst I was undertaking a practice placement in the Accident and Emergency Department, where there was a high turnover of emergency patients. Miss March was a 42 years old patient, and suffering from depression and alcohol dependence and was prescribed medication for her depression. She was admitted to the department following an incident at home in which she had taken too many of her prescription drugs whilst under the influence of alcohol. I had not met or had any interaction with Miss March as I had been assigned to another area of the department for the morning. Miss March had already been stabilised in the resuscitation room and was just arriving in the area I was wo rking in. I noted that she was confused and she appeared to be drowsy. My mentor told me that Miss March, while being moved, had an episode of urinary incontinence and asked if I would wash and change the patient. My mentor also asked to me to deal with this without delay as during assessment there were small areas of red, chafed skin found around Miss March’s vaginal area. Therefore, her skin integrity was already compromised. Before going ahead, I took a few minutes to read Miss March’s nursing notes and found a history of verbal challenging behaviour but no indication of any physical violence. Having collected the necessary equipment I made my way to Miss March’s cubicle to assist her in washing and changing. Miss March was sitting on the edge of the bed and I explained the reason for my visit. I continued to talk to her as I positioned everything to assist her but she did not respond in any way. Just as I lifted the wet sheet from the top of the bed to put i t in the clear bag I had brought with me, Miss March yelled abuses at me then raised her arm to hit me. I attempted to reassure her

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Physical products Essay Example for Free

Physical products Essay The dot-com era is now fast receding into the past. But, throughout the world, managers are still grappling with turning the e-business concept into a business reality. Companies in some sectors have demonstrated success. In Europe, the low cost airlines such as easyJet and Ryanair have succeeded in migrating the majority of their customers to online booking in the space of a few years, while acquiring many new customers. Other companies have used the internet to gain competitive advantage. For example, the supermarket Tesco has launched a market-leading e-commerce service for customers and also uses the internet extensively for purchasing (Tesco Information Exchange). Although many start-up companies which adopted innovative business models, have now failed, some are now achieving profitability. For example, now operating profitability across many countries in Europe include lastminute (main focus travel: www. lastminute. com), Kelkoo (consumer retail: www. kelkoo. com) and Wanadoo (Internet Service Provider: www. wanadoo. com). In some traditional industries, the impact of the internet has been immense. Banking, for example, shows that in a seven and half year period (May 1995 December 2002), the number of households using online banking worldwide increased to 100 million as around 6,000 different financial institutions offered web based banking. (Source: Online Banking Report, Number 89, 10 December 2002). Meanwhile, many business-business companies and governments have found encouraging their customers to use their online services to be much more challenging. In this post-dot-com era, managers are looking to learn from the experiences of the early adopters, identifying success factors and incorporating best practices while trying to avoid the costly mistakes made by others. Most introductions to e-business open with a history of the growth of the Internet, and the predictions of the growth of e-commerce and e-business. E-Commerce is implemented using three technologies: Electronic Data interchange (EDI), Internet Commerce and Electronic Markets. We limit our approach to covering commercial activities conducted on the Internet. E-commerce offers opportunities to dramatically improve the way that businesses interact with both their customers and their suppliers, that is, to make business negotiations faster, cheaper, more personalized, and more agile. The number of web users who shop or buy products online is continuously increasing. However, searching and buying products via on-line can be frustrating due to the lack of help or decision support given to the user. Nowadays e-commerce applications are being improved from a first generation stage where buyers are humans who browse through a catalogue of commodities (e. g. books, computer components, films) and make purchases, often by means of a credit card transaction, to a second generation with a greater degree of automation on both the buyers and the sellers side. The aim of this work was to develop a technology for facilitating Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B) processes. Although the growth in Internet retailing has not turned out to be as strong as predicted in the late 1990s, it is clear that some e-tailers offer distinctive value propositions to certain customers. At the core of any business strategy is the ability to develop a sustainable competitive advantage. Current market leaders, such as Amazon, enhance the shopping experience by providing reviews and making suggestions based on past purchases. However products such as apparel can be difficult for customers to purchase over the Internet because of the need to touch, feel and try on products. Market leaders, like The Gap and cataloguer Lands End, can be successful because of their prior customer base, strong brand identity, consistent quality and fit and outstanding service and guarantees. Convenience shopping online is becoming increasingly popular with both adults and young people. Internet may be a good source for bargain hunting. The simplicity of online shopping can lure consumers into making purchases that may not qualify as a good deal. It is therefore imperative to know when a deal is really a deal!

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Infectious Diseases: Causes, Effects and Treatments

Infectious Diseases: Causes, Effects and Treatments Introduction Infectious diseases or communicable diseases are those caused from pathological microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, prions, etc, which can spread from one person to another by direct or indirect means. Infectious diseases can also spread from animals to man or vice-versa (WHO, 2010). Throughout history, microorganisms, the causative organisms for infectious diseases have been playing an active role. Many native populations during the middle Ages have been destroyed by plagues. The Europeans when tried to conquer Australia, Africa and Americas had initially used microorganisms to destroy the native populations. However, the infectious diseases have had a serious effect on the fauna and flora. There were huge causes of morbidity and mortality, but in the 20th century developed nations had lower rates of morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases. The major reasons why there was control over the infectious diseases during the later part of the 20th centur y was due to the development of antibiotics, eradication of small pox through vaccination, improvement in the living conditions and sanitations, etc. However, in the developing nations, infectious diseases are a major cause of death. In the year 1993, about 51 million people died, out of which 16.4 million about 35% were from infectious diseases. In the sub-Saharan African regions about 70 % of the worldwide infectious disease deaths occur. Developed nations account for 10% of the worldwide infectious disease deaths (Wilson, 1995). Today, serious changes are made with the environment of the earth such that certain propulsions and groups are becoming vulnerable to certain infectious diseases. Not only have antibiotics made it easier to fight microorganisms but the abuse of the same has resulted in the microbes developing resistance. Besides, many insect vectors are becoming more and more resistant to various pesticides being used. Today there are several emerging infectious such Ebola, H1N1, H5N1, Lassa fever, etc, due to the changing environmental circumstances. In the year 1993, more than 400000 people from Milwaukee US were affected with the epidemic of cryptosporidiosis. In the Southwest people died from pulmonary disease caused due to Hantavirus infection. Not only are the humans affected with infectious diseases but also various other species of domesticated and wild animals (Wilson, 1995). With History, major changes have undergone with respect to the infectious disease map of the world. In the 20th century, many diseases have spread from tropical to temperate regions and have crossed marine barriers including the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean. More than 14.2 million people each year die from infectious diseases. On the other hand, heart disease kills about 10 million people each year. The most common infectious disease killer is acute respiratory infectious with 3.7 million deaths each year, followed by HIV/AIDS with 2.8 million deaths, diarrheal group of diseases with 1.7 million deaths, malaria with 1 million deaths and measles with 0.8 million deaths. As sanitation and poor living conditions can increase the risk of infectious diseases, such problems are more common in the lower socioeconomic groups. The WHO has predicted that during the next ten years that infectious disease would reduce by about 3 % due to improvement in the living conditions (Bonita, 2006). In the ICD-9 Listing, codes 1 to 113 are given infectious and parasitic disease codes. It is found that about 83% of all deaths from infectious diseases are from range of symptoms outside the classical ICD mentioned criteria (Norman, 1998). With a number of infectious such as diphtheria, chicken pox, measles, feco-oral infections, cholera, rotavirus infection, etc, seasonal variations play a vital role, in the temperate and the tropical regions of the world. The mechanism by which this is occurring is not understood clearly. Certain reasons may be applicable for the seasonal variations of a disease:- Seasonability has several factors and a lot depends on local factors Depending on the characteristics of the infections epidemics or peak in incidences can occur at different times of the year There may be an interaction of pathogens that may affect the spread of another infection Hence, depending on these criteria vaccination can be used to block the spread of the infection (Nicholas C. Grassly, 2006). Infectious diseases may not just involve one person or a particular community or a population. Often more than one population may be affected across a region or a nation. Besides, infectious diseases can also affect animals including goats (Echinococcus), dogs (rabies), birds (H5N1), etc. Classification The listing of the ICD-9 Codes for Infectious diseases includes:- Intestinal Infectious Diseases 001 to 009 Tuberculosis 010 to 018 Zoonotic Bacterial Infectious 020 to 027 Other bacterial Infectious (such as leprosy, diphtheria, scarlet fever, etc) 030 to 041 HIV 042 to 044 Poliomyelitis, kuru, CJD, etc 045 to 049 Virus with exanthema 050 to 059 Arthropod borne virus infection 060 to 066 Other diseases caused by virus and Chlamydia (such as hepatitis A, B C, rabies, trachoma, warts, etc) 070 to 079 Rickettsia and other arthropod infections (080 to 088) Syphilis and other venereal diseases (gonorrhea, urethritis, etc) 090 to 099 Other Spirochete infections such as yaws, pinta, etc 100 to 104 Mycoses or fungal infectious 110 to 118 Helmenthic or worm infestation 120 to 129 Other infections 130 to 136 Late effects of infections 137 to 139 (ICD-9 codes) Transmission Infectious diseases are transmitted by two means, namely the direct and indirect means. Direct means includes contact with the infected person who comes in contact with the normal person. Through contact, infections can spread by three means, the first two include horizontal means and the third include vertical transmission. Infectious diseases usually spread by direct transfer of the infected fluids or secretions from one individual to another. There may be several means of person to person transmission including sharing infected needles, sexual contact, kissing, blood transfusion, sneezing, coughing, mucosa to mucosa, etc. Direct contact would also include contact with infected animals or handling contaminated animal wastes. The vertical transmission is by means of the infected mother to the baby. Infections again can be transmitted by different means at different periods. When the unborn baby is in the uterus, it can get infected from the mother. Certain infections can be transmit ted across the placenta and include bacteria (such as syphilis, listeriosis), viruses (such as CM Virus, AIDS, German measles), and protozoans (such as toxoplasmosis) (Lee Goldman, 2007). The effect on the fetus may range from fetal infections, lesions, mental retardation, physical growth retardation, multi-organ defects, birth defects, aborted, etc (Dorak, 2009). On the other hand, infection can spread to the baby during passage of the baby through the infected birth canal. Lastly, infection can spread through contaminated breast milk of the mother during nursing (Lee Goldman, 2007). Exposure to the infectious agents can result in various outcomes including no infection, clinical infection, sub-clinical infection or carrier status. Clinical infection can result death, carrier status and further immunity or no immunity against the disease. Sub-clinical infection can result in carrier status, immunity or no immunity against the disease (Dorak, 2009). Infectious diseases can also spread through indirect methods which include contaminated objects, personal items, food borne, waterborne, vector borne, air-borne, ting-borne and surfaces. For example, common cold can spread by using contaminated towels. Various bacterial, viral and parasitic infections can spread through vectors or carriers such as mosquitoes, fleas, lice, ticks, etc. Infectious diseases can also be transmitted from one individual to another through contaminated food or water or the oro-fecal route. Consuming uncooked, undercooked or raw foods, unsuitable drinking water, etc, can cause infectious. For example, in Latin America, there is evidence through PCR diagnostic tests that H. pylori cause gastric problems (Lee Goldman, 2007). Certain individuals may be at a higher risk of getting infected which includes those with autoimmune disorders, those who have undergone an organ transplant and are taking immunosuppressant, those consuming corticosteroids and those infected with HIV/AIDS. The other risk factors that play a role in the development of the infectious diseases may include age, race, sex, socioeconomic status, geo-location, medication use, illegal drug use, history of travel, etc (Sherwood, 2004). The mode of causation of an infectious disease is by an interaction of internal factors and environmental factors. An infection may arise as a result of a triad of factors affecting the system including the host, agent and the environment. The host factors include age, sex, gene-type, mental makeup, nutritional makeup, immune status, and health makeup. The environmental factors include air, water, sanitation, psychosocial status, geography, housing, food, healthcare delivery system, etc. The agent factors include pathogenicity of the organism (ability to cause disease), infectivity (ability to cause infection), virulence (ability to cause death), immunogenicity, survival and antigenic capabilities (Dorak, 2009). The entire natural cycle of the infection would ensure that the infectious agent is at the business end. The infectious agent would enter the host or reservoir and then exit from the body, carried by a mode of transmission and enter another persons body. It would result in infection in a susceptible host. Koch bought out certain postulates for infections. In each case, the organism is present. The organism can be isolated or grown in each culture. Once each individual is exposed to the agent, the disease as such can be reproduced. From each of the infected individuals, the pathogen can be isolated. Symptoms An individual suffering from an infectious disease may present with no symptoms, symptoms which are not definitive, mild symptoms, or serious symptoms with complications. The period between the exposure of the individual to the infectious organism and the appearance of the first symptom may vary from a few days (in the case of chicken pox, malaria, etc), months to a few years (in the case of HIV). Infectious disease can produce a range of symptoms including:- Fever Chills and rigors Bleeding of the gums and periodontal diseases Epistaxis Sore throat Anorexia Tiredness Body pain Dyspnea and breathing problems Headache Fever with seizures Swelling or a rash Malaise Enlargement of the regional lymph nodes along with tenderness Diarrhea and dysentery Bloody stools Yellowness of the skin and the tongue Paleness Skin lesions or skin rash Blood shot eyes (in the case of conjunctivitis) Burning sensation whilst passing urine Abscess or a draining sinus Pain, swelling from the affected site along with a rise in the temperature Gastritis Spread of the bacteria, along with the toxin in the blood Diagnosis The diagnosis of Infectious disease is made based on the history, physical examination, signs, symptoms, analysis of the tissue samples, microscopy, culture, blood tests, urine tests, molecular diagnosis and other methods. The history includes details of the personal history, history of travel, family history, social history, occupational history and epidemiology (Paul G. Engelkirk, 2007). Body samples of urine, CSF, nasal secretions, nasal swab, stools, etc are collected to study them microscopically. In certain circumstances water, soil, inanimate objects and food samples are also analyzed. In certain circumstances the samples are collected at a particular period of time. In malaria, the samples are collected when the fever is high and in the case of typhoid the blood samples are collected when the fever begins to rise. It is important to prevent contamination of the sample during testing and avoid any destruction of the causative organisms. It is important to transport the samples appropriately and test them immediately as many anaerobic species may not be able to survive in the oxygen-rich environment. Besides, it is also important to prevent drying of the samples. All samples should be given appropriate care during laboratory testing as they are hazardous and can infect the testing personnel (Barbara A. Bannister, 2000). There are different microscopes that can be used for studying the samples including light microscope, phase-contrast microscope, dark-field microscope, electron microscope, etc. Various staining procedures may be required to study the samples including gram staining, Giemsa staining, Ziehl-Nielsen staining, Indian Ink staining, etc. Helminthes, urine bacteria and fecal protozoan are best viewed through direct microscopy of unstained samples. Gram staining helps to identify organisms in pus, CSF, ascitis, pleural fluids, etc. Ziehl-Nielsen staining is used to study that will not stain through ordinary procedures. Romanowsky staining is used to stain blood cells, whereas Giemsa staining is used to identify the parasites present in blood. Immunofluorescence is a method of identifying the organisms through reactions with antibodies tagged with fluorescence dyes. There are two methods of immunofluorescence including direct and indirect methods (Barbara A. Bannister, 2000). Culturing involves growing the microorganisms present in the sample in the laboratory on an appropriate media and recognizing the same using physical, biochemical and morphological means. Different media may be used including enriched media, selective media and indicative media. Another process of distinguishing between the various strains of an organism is typing. These include biotyping, auxotyping, serotyping, phagetyping, PCR typing, etc (Barbara A. Bannister, 2000). Blood tests called as serological tests are done to determine the antigen-antibody reaction that occur. Some of the common tests that are done in the laboratory include agglutination, fluorescent antibody tests, radioimmunoassay and ELISA. Molecular methods of diagnosis are used to determine specific DNA fragments that would be a signature of certain species of pathogens. Some of the common molecular diagnostic techniques include PCR and amplification techniques (Barbara A. Bannister, 2000). Treatment One of the earliest ways of managing an infectious disease was in malaria when certain local communities used cinchona to treat the disease. From the cinchona bark, quinine was extracted and is used even today to manage malaria. Today, antimicrobial agents are being used to treat infectious disease. These microbial agents attack the various metabolic pathways that are present in the microbial metabolism. For example certain compounds are similar to PABA, and prevent PABA from undergoing transformation into dihydropteroic acid, which is essential for folate metabolism. Once there is shortage of folic acid in the body, the DNA of the bacteria undergoes degradation. Further other antimicrobial agents which target other portions of the metabolism can also be used for more effective treatment of infectious diseases. These include trimethoprin and sulphamethoxazole. The other ways by which antimicrobial agents act include causes the destruction of the bacterial cell wall, inhibition of the protein synthesis in bacteria, and damaging the DNA structure. For certain antimicrobial agents to act, the bacteria should be sensitive to the drug. Besides, the manner in which the drug is administered and the spectrum of action of the drug also plays a vital role in treating infections. Antimicrobial sensitivity tests are conducted to determine which particular agents the bacteria would be sensitive and resistant to and accordingly select a potent agent to treat the infection (Barbara A. Bannister, 2000). To ensure that the treatment with antibiotics is working properly certain monitoring strategies may be required including:- Appropriate levels of antibiotics are present in the serum The levels of antibiotics do not reach a level such that it would cause toxic effects Patient compliance and adherence Appropriate means of administration Pharmacokinetics of new drugs Monitoring all the adverse effects (dose-dependent or idiosyncratic) Some of the common groups of antimicrobial agents that are used to treat infections include:- Penicillin Penicillinase resistant penicillin Ampicillin-like agents Beta-lactamase inhibitors Cephalosporin Aminoglycosides Chloramphenicols Quinolones Antifungal Agents Antiviral agents Antimalarial agents Antitubercular drugs Antiprotozoan agents Prevention Infectious diseases are transmitted from one individual to another through several routes including direct contact, inhalation of airborne infections, consuming contaminated food or water, through vectors such as mosquitoes, ticks, etc, sexual contact, using contaminated personal items and through the mother-fetal route. Hence, prevention can be advocated by obstructing the means of transmission of the infection. One of the most important methods of prevention is by proper and frequent hygiene by handwashing and using a disinfecting soap. Immunization also plays a vital role in preventing infections by administering vaccines to the general populations. Vaccines are currently available for a number of bacterial and viral infections including meningococcal infections, hepatitis B, hepatitis A, polio, diphtheria, typhoid, tetanus, haemophilus influenza, chicken pox, rotavirus, human papilloma virus, H1N1, measles, mumps, rubella, etc. Passive immunization can be administered by the admi nistration of immunoglobulin. Zoonotic infections can be prevented by immunizing the pets, providing a clean and safe environment for the animals, washing hands before contacting animals, takes measures after animal bites, etc. At the workplace, transmission of infections are a risk because of the conditions and also because people are in close contact with each other and also with hazards. Needles, syringes and other biohazards need to be disposed off properly. Blood during donation and infusion should be appropriately screened for various blood-borne infections such as HIV, Hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, etc. Rubber gloves should be worn by the healthcare professional and for every new patient, a new set of sterile drugs should be selected. Hospital wastes should be disposed off properly to prevent hazardous wastes from further causing havoc (Andi L. Shane, 2008). Safe sex and sexual hygiene is also essential to prevent risk of transmission of STDs such as HIV, hepatitis B, etc. If there is the chance of the partner practicing unsafe sex, then a condom and other barriers help reduce the risk of transmission. Special precautions also need to be taken during travel. Areas infected with infectious diseases should be best not visited. For some people, vaccination may be required along with consumption of prophylactic antimicrobial agents (Andi L. Shane, 2008). Infectious Diseases in Saudi Arabia As in the rest of the world, in Saudi Arabia also, the morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases are high. An infection would have its course and severity varied depending on the virulence of the agent and the resistance of the host. Besides, a number of environmental factors also need to be considered. Two of the most common infections and serious health problems in the Western populations have been community-acquired pneumonia and fever of unknown origin (PUO). In the US, each year more than 1.3 million people get hospitalized from infectious diseases. The WHO has attributed Tuberculosis the most common cause of death in the world adult population. Certain factors may increase the risk for TB including HIV status, lower socioeconomic background, poor sanitation, etc. The other common infectious diseases throughout the world were hepatitis B, malaria and meningitis. Alghamdi found that the prior knowledge of prevalence and pattern of infectious diseases in the Western Saudi A rabian population was rather unknown and hence conducted this study to determine the most common infection in the hospitalized and determine their mean time of stay. More than 495 patients that were hospitalized between Jan 2000 to December 2004 at the King Abdulaziz University Hospital (KAUH) was studied. All data was collected from the patients medical records. About 8.8 % of the population who were admitted to the hospital or 1 in 11 were admitted for infectious diseases, and slightly more than 50% were males and 54% were native Saudis. Individuals between 26 to 45 years were commonly affected with infectious diseases, followed by the 13-25 year old group. The senior citizen population was least often affected with infectious disease. The most common infectious disease was pneumonia, followed by fever of unknown origin, TB, and viral hepatitis. In women, pneumonia was more common than men, whereas TB and meningitis were more common in men. The other common infectious in the population included bronchopneumonia, malaria and urinary tract infections (Aisha A. Alghamdi, 2009). The incidence of meningococcal meningitis is common in Hajj pilgrims and in the year 2000, several cases were reported in the Hajj pilgrims. The two common serogroups were serogroups A (24%) and W-135 (37%). The epidemiologists found that the Hajj Pilgrim 2000 Meningococcal attack was in fact two concurrent outbreaks. The W-135 serogroup is endemic in Saudi Arabia. The fatalities were high amongst the pilgrims and hence since the year 1987, mandatory vaccination was being introduced. The vaccine used in fact is quadrivalent in nature (Jairam R. Lingappa, 2003). The Tuberculosis statistics in Saudi Arabia were also alarming. In a study conducted by Sahal A. M. Al-Hajoj, 2006, it was found from about 1500 cases of Tuberculosis infection, that male-female ratio was 1.27 and 47% of the population being adults between the age groups of 21-40 years. The single drug resistant cases were about 19.7 % and the multi-drug resistant cases were about 47% (Sahal A. M. Al-Hajoj, 2006). Sahal A. M. Al-Hajoj (2009) conducted another study to find if the mortality and morbidity from tuberculosis could be decreased in Saudi Arabia. There was a rise in the number of cases of TB between 1990 and 2004 by about 6.2%. In Western Saudi Arabia, there is a huge influx of individuals from developing countries who may already be infected with Tuberculosis. The rise in tuberculosis cases may not only be due a rise in infection rate, but also due to better diagnosis techniques. Better TB programs and effective diagnostic laboratories are the need of the hour in controlling cases of tuberculosis in Saudi Arabia. There should also be greater uniformity across the country in standardization. In the year 2000, there was an epidemic of Rift Valley Fever in Saudi Arabia which had spread from the neighboring North African Region. About 886 patients were included in the study by Tariq A. Madan. The age group affected was the 40 to 50 year, and the male to female ratio was 4:1. The common symptoms recorded included fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, jaundice, diarrhea, neurological complications, bleeding, visual loss, liver function test abnormalities, leucopenia, renal failure, anemia, etc. There were about 14% mortalities from the disease and were often associated with bleeding, neurological symptoms and jaundice. People with leucopenia had a lower mortality than those who had a rise in the leukocyte count (Tariq A. Madan, 2000). In the year 2007, the first outbreak of H5N1 occurred in Saudi Arabia and affected 19 poultry farms. Several diagnostic tests were conducted to confirm the infection including Rapid antigen-capture test and real-time RT-PCR. Once the infection was identified in a particular town in Saudi Arabia, the government immediately made a decision destroy the H5N1 affected fleet and the non-affected birds in a radius of 5 kilometers and ensure quarantine measures were followed in the region so that the infection could be prevented from spreading to other regions. Besides, other measures were being adopted including closing bird markets, greater surveillance, quarantine, etc. Within a period of three months from the first detected cases, the epidemic was totally under control. Further within a period of three months (April 2008), Saudi Arabia was declared as H5N1-free (Huaguang Lu, 2009). In a study conducted by Abdulrahman A. Alrajhi (2004), the mode of transmission of HIV-1 was being studied. It was found that 46% were heterosexual transmission, 26% due to infected blood transfusion, 12% vertical transmission, 5% from homosexual activities and 2% due to use of contaminated syringes during IV drug usage. Most of the heterosexual men got infected from commercial sex workers, and about 65 women got infected from their husbands. In Saudi, the most rampant form of transmission of HIV-1 is heterosexual mode. The mean age of diagnosis of HIV in the 410 individuals who took part in the study was 27.8 years. The adult infection rate is about 0.01%. Women tend to get the infection from their spouses. The rate of infection was relative lower in homosexual men and IV Drug users (Abdulrahman A. Alrajhi, 2004). Thus it can be seen that infectious diseases are a serious problems. Some of the infections that are common in Saudi Arabia include pneumonia, Fever of unknown origin, tuberculosis, meningitis, HIV, acute viral hepatitis, chronic viral hepatitis, malaria, etc. Besides, outbreaks of several emerging infections are becoming commoner in Saudi. These include the Rift Valley Fever of 2000, H5N1 outbreak of 2007, dengue fever, viral hemorrhagic fever, multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, etc. Many of the zoonotic infectious are getting transmitted to man by vectors such as ticks and mosquitoes (Tariq A. Madani, 2004). The mechanism of development and the transmission of such infections need to be studied.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Analysis of Dracula and the Vampire Myth Essays -- Exploratory Essays

     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The story of Dracula started long before Brahm Stoker wrote his famous novel. Vampires have been in the minds of people since the early ninth century and, perhaps, even before that. The fact that the stories are still common after all these years brings out the question of, why? What makes these vampire stories so popular? The answer may be in the material itself. Taking a wide selection of vampire stories, including Brahm Stoker's classic, reveals a long list of similarities. Of course, not all stories mirror the others in all aspects of images but the images that do repeat are the ones most people readily associate with vampires. I propose that the reason Dracula and other stories of vampires are still so widely known is because they have those steady characteristics that make them easily recognizable. A picture of one culture's vampire will be very similar to another vampire of another culture, thus making it a popular character.    The horror story itself is a way for people to deal with the connection between life and death. Dracula was one such story meant to terrify readers but also pass on an old story of death and the undead. These stories help religion teach about evils, devils, and "unquiet spirits" (Shepard 7) as well as gods and good things. Dracula also allows for the question of eternal damnation and the after-life to surface. What happens to the dead? Can pain and horror be avoided? These questions, when asked by people of earlier times, would strike fear in the minds of readers. The horrible ideas and images seem a little less terrifying to people as a whole now but in 1816, when the Gothic tales first arose, they would cause "well-bred young ladies to hold their breath[s]" (7... ...u/~arf/compare.html >. Lees, Gavin. "Ways of killing and becoming a Vampire." (Viewed November 13, 2014) < >. Levy, Elizabeth. Dracula is a Pain in the Neck . New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 2003. McGrath, Adrian Nicholas. "Vampires: Origins of the Myth -- Part Two: Historical Vampires." (Viewed November 13, 2014)>. Richardson, Beverley. "Vampires in Myth and History." (Viewed November 15, 2014) < >. Rudy, SA. "Vampire Myths in Fiction." (November 15, 2014) < > Schick, Alice and Joel Schick. Bram Stoker's Dracula . Fifth printing. New York: Delacorte Press, 2013. Shepard, Leslie. Introduction.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Imperfection of Translation :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

The Imperfection of Translation      Ã‚     The essential problem with translation is an obvious one. A word has more qualities than just its denotation. For one, a word has a sound, an attribute which has great importance in poetry (though we should not underestimate its significance in prose, as well). Also, a word consists of various connotations, meanings which only rarely cross over from language to language. Complicating matters is the nature of literature itself. Writers and poets put pressure on the language; they often choose words because of their rich variety of meanings, complicating rather than clarifying their subjects. Unfortunately, then, for the translator of literature, the currency of words is not as easy to exchange as the other kind of currency.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   E. V. Rieu recognizes the inherent difficulty of translation. Perfect translation may be impossible, so the best we can hope for, he writes in the following, is a translation of the spirit of the work: "I call it the principal of equivalent effect and regard it as signifying that that translation is the best which comes nearest to creating in its audience the same impression as was made by the original on its contemporaries" (55). Rieu criticizes the translators of the King James Version of the Bible for remaining stubbornly faithful to the original language. Here he presents a parable, the moral of which is undoubtedly weakened by awkward translation.    St. Luke in xvii. 8 reports Jesus as imagining a scene in which a master says to his slave, "Get something ready for my supper." The Greek is colloquial and the master is not represented as speaking politely. Yet the authorized translators put into his mouth the words: "Make ready wherewith I may sup." (55)    In that example the superiority of Rieu's plain-spoken translation is obvious, but it begs the question of how much freedom does one give a translator. Rieu's ideal that a translated work must cause "the same impression" as the original seems to give scholars license to embellish.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Werner Winter believes that, regardless of the degree of embellishment, translation cannot avoid altering the work. Try as we might, Winter writes, "Meaning and form cannot be dissociated from one another" (70).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Prostitution in the Victorian Era Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research

Prostitution in the Victorian Era There were many prostitutes during the Victorian era. Most were lower-class women, with the exception of the mistresses kept by upper-class men. According to Victorian standards, respectable women did not consider sexual intercourse pleasurable. It was their duty to be intimate with their husbands. Having affairs was disgraceful (Waters). Prostitutes, on the other hand, were sexually intimate with men because they enjoyed sex. Men enjoyed prostitutes because they could not enjoy their wives. Victorian femininity was not defined by sexual pleasure, while Victorian masculinity was defined by sexual pleasure and conquest.    Prostitutes did not necessarily â€Å"enjoy† their sexual encounters with men, as Victorians tended to believe. Prostitution was their survival. Lower-class women did not become prostitutes because they wanted to. They became prostitutes because they had no alternate choice for survival. There were few options that allowed women to live off her own income instead of her family’s income, and once she e...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bread of the World

Our nation’s dedication in eradicating poverty has indeed created a great impact in the country’s image. The humanitarian programs of the government has effectively help millions of families survive the test of poverty. In addition, the foreign assistance has help alleviate the economy of the other countries drowned in poverty. But, at present, poverty is still prevalent in the poor continents like Africa. Inadequacy of food has killed thousands of lives of young Africans. Due to the continuous poverty, the hope for development may never be realized in some poor countries.This also proves that the foreign aid being afforded by the country is not enough. Hence, this letter asks your good office to initiate a change of the country’s foreign aid programs and policies. Time for action should be instigated now. By your help, please coordinate with your fellow solons to include poverty among the priorities of the country. By enhancing our programs in alleviating povert y, millions of lives would be saved and changed. The period for fighting poverty should be now and be continued until a shadow of it will be eradicated.At the same time, the economic status of the country would eventually be build and the confidence of the people in their government would be strengthened. Let the Congress start renewing foreign aid programs and save many children from death caused by hunger. Sincerely, (Your Name) (Address) Reference Bread for the World & Bread for the World Institute. (2008). Bread for the World: Have Faith End Hunger. Retrieved March 20, 2009, from http://www. bread. org/page. jsp? itemID=28131907

Monday, September 16, 2019

Bohemian Rhapsody: an Existentialistic Piece of Literature Essay

The song bohemian rhapsody by Queen relates to existentialism in which the song talks about an existentialist’s way of life. Existentialism is the belief that people are searching to find out who and what they are throughout life as they make choices based on their experiences, beliefs, and outlooks. Existentialism is centered upon the analysis of existence and the way humans find themselves existing in the world. The song bohemian rhapsody has several different qualities that make it an existentialistic piece of literature. At first glance Bohemian rhapsody is about a man ashamed about murdering another human being. After looking at it closer there are examples of an existentialistic lifestyle. Bohemian rhapsody starts with narrator’s shock of the realization that he just committed a major crime, â€Å"caught in a landslide, no escape from reality†, and how he cannot believe he just murdered a man. Existentialists believe that decisions are not without stress and consequences. The line â€Å"I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy† is a great example of how he doesn’t want sympathy for the decision he made to kill a man because he knows that that decision will bring him stress and consequences. The narrator states how he is â€Å"easy come, easy go’, inferring that he usually as it comes and learns along the way, yet another belief of existentialist. Existentialist usually do not believe in a god or an afterlife so they believe that anything acquired in this life will not matter after they are dead. You can also consider the line â€Å"Any way the wind blows doesn’t really matter to me† as another existentialistic idea incorporated in the song because the narrator infers that he doesn’t really care what will happen to him because none of it will matter when he is dead. The line â€Å"easy come, easy go, will you let me go†, has a little more meaning to it the earlier line, â€Å"easy come, easy go†. The added line â€Å"will you let me go† shows that he takes responsibility for what he has done but wants others to forget him because it will not matter when they are all dead. The stanza â€Å"Nothing really matters, anyone can see, Nothing really matters, Nothing really matters to me Any way the wind blows ENDED. † Also shows how the existentialists believe that nothing really matters in life because once you are gone nothing you did in this life will matter. All of these lyrics show how existentialism is incorporated into the song bohemian rhapsody.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Child sexual abuse victims Essay

I. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Sexual abuse of children is a harsh fact of life in our society. Child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older adolescents uses a child for sexual stimulation. Forms of child sexual abuse includes asking or pressuring a child to engage in sexual activates, regardless of the outcome, indecent exposure to a child with intent to gratify their own sexual desire or to intimidate or groom the child, physically sexual contact with child or using a child to produce child pornography. A child abuse victim can result in both short – term and long-term harm physically and emotionally. What would you do if you knew a child who became a victim? That’s a question everyone should be ready to answer if they want to protect our future generations. A. DEFINITIONS There is no universal definition for CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE VICTIM(S). However, a major characteristic of any abuse is the dominant position of an adult that allows him or her to force or coerce a child into sexual activity. Child sexual abuse may include fondling a child’s genitals, masturbation, oral-genital contact, digital penetration, and vaginal and anal intercourse. (â€Å"American psychological association,† 2011) Other forms of abuse can also occur that are not as easy to detect. These include showing adults’ genitals to a child, showing the child pornographic or â€Å"dirty† pictures or videotapes, or using the child as a model to make pornographic materials. (â€Å"Child advocacy resources†) A victim of child abuse suffers from PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS that have an immediate emotion. These effects of abuse cause isolation, fear and an inability to trust. This can translate into lifelong consequences, including low self-esteem, depression, and relationship difficulties. Researchers have identified links between child abuse and poor mental and emotional health, Cognitive difficulties, and Social difficulties. In one long-term study, 80 percent of young adults who were abused met the diagnostic criteria for at least one psychiatric disorder by age 21. Some problems include depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and suicide attempts. Other psychological and emotional effects include panic attacks, attention-deficit/ hyperactive disorder, depression, anger, and posttraumatic stress. (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2008) PHYSICAL EFFECTS are defined, as immediate physical abuse can be relatively minor, such as bruises or cuts. It can also be very severe such as broken bones, hemorrhage, or even death. Physical effects in some cases can be temporary, however the pain and suffering they cause a child should not be discounted. Several studies have shown adults who experience abuse or neglect during childhood is more likely to suffer from physical ailments such as allergies, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, and high blood pressure. (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2008) B. STATISTICS 1. VULNERABILITY In over 90 percent of child sexual abuses causes, the offender is known and trusted by the victim. â€Å"Grooming† is the process used by the offend ender to recruiter and prepare a child for sexual victimization. It starts when the offender targets a specific child. While all children are at risk for victimization, certain factors make some children more vulnerable to sexual abuse than others. For example, a child is especially susceptible if he or she feels unloved, has low self-esteem, has little contact with committed adults or regularly spends time unsupervised. Sex offenders commonalty  engage children by spending time with them, playing games with them, and showing them special attention or giving them gifts. Older children or teens may be offered drugs or alcohol. Offenders forge an emotional bond through frequent contact, positive interaction and by conveying the child or teen that they â€Å"understand† or can appreciate their interests and concerns. In time the emotional bond leads to non-sexual physical contact which can take the form of physical play such as wrestling, affection, touching etc. In this way the offender tests the child’s boundaries, gradually turning into sexual touch. Usually if the child is older the child starts to become uncomfortable or fearful of the sexual activity. Offenders typically threat the child to keep them from speaking up. Most child victims are caught in a web of fear, guilt and confusion as a result of the sex offender’s grooming and manipulation. Sadly, many child victims remain silent about their abuse. (Bisquera) 2. INDICATORS OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE Indicators of child sexual abuse are varied and should always be considered in the context of what else is happening in a child’s life. Any one indicator, on its own, is a sign that something may be impacting a child’s well being. Some behavior indicators can be unexplained change in a child’s comfort level (either attachment or fear) around any person in a position of trust. They could show abrupt changes in performance in school or home. A significant difference in the way the child socializes. For younger children, a sudden loss of skills could be a red flag. A child who was toilet trained could start wetting the bed. Abuse can an also include sexual behavior, often in front of others, such as self-exposure, masturbation, touching others peoples private parts, sexual language. In older children or teens this might be seen as promiscuous behavior. Physical indicators such as bruises, scratches, irritation/ itching around genitals that are not consistent with explanations of how they happened. A victim who is not sexually active could show signs of sexual transmitted diseases, such as crabs, herpes, and gonorrhea. They could also experience tenderness or soreness around areas of penetration. Finding blood in their stool or urine should also cause some concern when it is not explained by other conditions. Underwear is often where proof of abuse may exist. (Bisquera) C. EXPERT STATEMENTS 1. FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE Overall cases of child sexual abuse fell more than 60 percent from 1992 to 2010, according to David Finkelhor, a leading expert on sexual abuse. The evidence for this decline comes from a variety of indicators. It includes national surveys of child abuse and crime victimization. The crime statistics are compiled by the F.B.I analysis of data from the National Data Archive On Child Abuse and Neglect and annual surveys of school students in Minnesota. All of the data pointed in the same direction. From 1990 to 2010 cases of sexual abuse dropped from 23 per 10,000 children to 8.6 per 10,000 children. All of the subjects were under the age of 18. Researches found a 62 percent decrease. There was a 3 percent drop from 2009 to 2010. The Minnesota Student Survey also reported a 29 percent decline in reports of sexual abuse by an adult who was not a family member from1992 to 2010. They also saw a 28 percent drop in reports of sexual abuse by a family member. At the same time, the willingness of children to report sexual abuses has increased. They found that in 50 percent of sexual abuse cases, the child’s victimization had been reported to an authority, compared with 25 percent in 1992. (Goode, 2012) 2. COMMON MOTIVES OF OFFENDERS Studies on who commits child sexual abuse vary in their findings, but the most common finding is that the majority of sexual offenders are family members or is otherwise known to the child. Sexual abuse by strangers is not nearly as common as sexual abuse by a family member. Reasearch further shows that men perpetrate most instances of sexual abuse, but there are cases that women are the offenders. Despite a common myth, Homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men. (â€Å"American psychological association,† 2011) About 73% of child sexual abusers report experiencing sexual abuse in their own childhood. Not all pedophiles are child molesters. Pedophilia is a clinical term that describes a person who has had repeated arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors related to sexual activities with children for at least six months. Pedophiles do not  necessarily have to act on their urges. Sexual offenders have the same attraction to children, but they act on their urges. Sexual offenders come from all backgrounds and social classes. They do their best to become friends with parents, and then they work to gain the child’s trust. (â€Å"†64 facts of†¦Ã¢â‚¬  2012) II. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE A. HISTORY 1. THE RISE OF PUBLIC CONCERN Public concern about child abuse has steadily increased. The number of referrals to child protection services in recent years has risen every year since the 1960s. It is not clear if the increase of reporting is due to a higher incident of abuse or a widening of the definition of abuse. (Eileen, 2008) Sexual abuse of children was not taken seriously until 1964 when congress passed the Child Abuse and Prevent and Treatment Act. This established reporting requirements of suspected cases. Among some experts there was a tendency to deny that sexual abuse had lasting consequences. Researchers have now found that there are long-term emotional problems that surface. (Mintz,2012) A contributing factor to the growing public concern is also widely publicized deaths. Although the field of child protection services date back to the nineteenth century, public concern has rarely reached the present level of intensity. (Polsky, 1991) 2. CIVIL LAWSUITS Child abuse statues have been enacted in most states to provide civil immunity for those making good faith reports of suspected child abuse. Most states also provide immunity from criminal liability. Physicians, nurses and social workers are required to report suspected child abuse that comes before them in some states failure to report a case carries criminal penalties as well as civil liability. B. KEY ISSUES 1. WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE? There are short term and long-term impacts of sexual child abuse. Depression, anxiety, amnesia, disengagement and numbing are just a few have the psychological and emotional responses victims’ experience. As children become adults they can suffer intimacy disturbance, making it hard for them to physically and emotionally have a healthy relationship. Suicidal thoughts and co-dependence are also long-term impacts of sexual abuse. WHAT TO DO IF YOU THINK A CHILD YOU KNOW HAS BEEN THE VICTIM OF CHILD ABUSE Speak up but choose the time and place carefully. Do not ask the child about his or her abuse in front of the person you think may be abusing the child. Ask them questions. Find out if anyone has been making them feel uncomfortable. They many not know they are being abused themselves or know its wrong. Follow up on whatever made you concerned. Ask in a non-judgmental way – using the word â€Å"I† rather than â€Å"you† so they don’t feel shamed. Building a trusting relationship with the child is also important. They should know how to say â€Å"no† and when something does make them feel uncomfortable, they should tell a trusted adult. Most importantly, children should know that some parts of their body are private. (RAINN, 2009) PROVING SEXUAL ABUSE Many child abuse cases must be proved using circumstantial evidence because direct evidence is not available. In many instances, the child is unable to tell what happened, and the offender does not ordinarily disclose the truth. Inferences are therefore very important in providing child abuse. Some sexual abuse requires proof of forcible compulsion. When the victim is a child, the child abuses often submits to the advances of adults who have parental or similar authorities over the child. (Tomas J., 2010) C. MOST RECENT RESEARCH 1. UNDERREPORTED AND LIGHTLY PROSECUTED Child abuse is greatly underreported and under estimated mostly because of the lack of an agreed- upon definition of abuse. Underreporting is related to several factors. Children over the age of 5 often care for or know their abuser. Therefore, they find themselves trapped between the need for affection and a sense that something is wrong. Cases of sexual child abuse are often lightly prosecuted because of minimal communication between  the prosecutors office and child protected services. 2. POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONS Some children overcome the physical and physiological effects of child abuse. Those with strong social support can adapt and cope with bad experiences. For many others, however, child abuse has lifelong consequences, For example, child abuse may result in physical, behavioral, emotion and mental issues. Some physical issues include disabilities and health problems. Abuse of others or frequent, causal sex with many different partners (sexual promiscuity) or teen pregnancy is an example of behavioral issues. Emotional issues can include low self-esteem, difficulty establishing or maintaining relationship, challenges with intimacy and trust. (Mayo Clinic, 2010) D. INFORMATION FOR THE EXPERTS 1. RESEARCH REGARDING PREVENTION STRATEGIES FROM EXPERTS Experts suggest correcting the imbalance between adult and children by empowering children. First off information is power. Children who know their own bodies are more likely to choose when, how, and by whom they are touched. Self esteem building and experts also suggest self-defense skills. Lastly children need resources. They should have a network of trusted adults they can turn to. (Torbin,2002) 2. PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM SEXUAL ABUSE The first step in protecting children from sexual abuse is recognizing telltale symptoms. Changes in attitude and rebellion at school could point to an underling problem. It is important to educated children about their body parts by understanding what is private. Adults need to be aware of their child’s surrounding at school or in a childcare setting. Parents should educate themselves on ‘red flags’ to protect their child from sexual abuse. III. SUMMARY A. DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS 1. ABOUT RESEARCH Despite our prevention effort, much more must be done to decrease the incidents of child abuse and neglect. Our efforts should be directed to changes in the helping system, changes in society, and additional research. One of the hopes for the future lies in research, not only to further define and understand abuse but also to evaluate existing programs. Only though out commitment to change and our willingness to research what will create a better future will we combat the growing problem of sexual child abuse. 2. ABOUT PROGRAMS With child protection agencies are responsible for direct intervention form investigation and case management. These agencies can be hampered if there is not communicatory and public support for their work, which includes offering programs to help prevent child sexual abuse. There needs to be more extensive community awareness and education to reduce harm. B. SOCIETY’S CONCERN WITH CRIME Society is helping the system make changes in order to reduce the rate of child abuse. Research is needed to further define and understand abuse. Evaluation is also needed for the existing programs. Commitment to change and willingness to research will create a better future to combat the growing problem of sexual child abuse. IV. CONCLUSION A. THE PROBLEM REVISITED WITH OPINIONS Child abuse is always been a problem, and in recent year it has made its way to the spotlight. Many people are willing to talk about them being a victim as a child. The more people feel comfortable talking about child sexual abuse. The less it will become a crime. Children become victims because of their vulnerability of trusting adults and unaware of the wrong. If you think a child you know has been a victim of child sexual abuse thing you can do is to give the child a safe environment in which to talk to you or another trusted adult. Encourage the child to talk about what he or she has  experienced, but be careful not to suggest events to him or her that may not of happened. Reassure the child that they did not do anything wrong. Seek mental assistance for the child. Being aware that many states laws require that persons who know or have a reason to suspect that a child has been sexual abuses must report that abuse to either a local law informant officials or child protection officials. Our future generation needs to feel protected from being a victim of child sexual abuse. B. SUGGESTION OF POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS. 1. PROGRAMS The best way to prevent child abuse is educate parents about child abuse. Most parents feel that this could never happen to them. When it happens the parents are in shock, but when they learn some warning signs, they are able to point them out. There are many free programs that can teach parents how to educate their children on protecting themselves from child abuse. The reality is when there are budget cuts; these programs that protect our future generations are the first to get cut. 2. POLICY Having Policy’s in school districts and childcare environments can be the solution to protecting children. One suggestion would be to have restrictions on when and where is acceptable for a child to alone with adult. This policy does not only protect the child, but it protects the adult from false accusations. 3. LAWS Laws against child sexual abuse can very by country. Based on the local definition of who is a child and what constitutes sexual abuse. As the age of the consent to sexual behaviors varies from country to country, so do definitions of child sexual abuse. An adult’s sexual intercourse with a minor below the legal age of consent may sometimes be referred to statutory rape based on the principle that any apparent consent by a minor could not be considered legal consent. References _American psychological association_. (2011). 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